mattshane1887Apr 26, 20231 min readMalamuth, Neil: Pornography and sexual aggression file:///C:/Users/Matt/Downloads/MalamuthAddisonogKoss2000PornografiogEffekt.pdfPorn and its effects on sexual aggression in men
file:///C:/Users/Matt/Downloads/MalamuthAddisonogKoss2000PornografiogEffekt.pdfPorn and its effects on sexual aggression in men
Wright, Paul: Pornography, sexual insecurity, and orgasm difficulty. Pornography, sexual insecurity, and orgasm difficulty
Love, Todd et al: Neuroscience of internet pornography addiction 1. Neuroscience of pornography addiction
Keilty, Patrick: Desire by design: pornography as technology industry This talks about the algorithmic ways porn websites get people to stay...